CVS Manager

Privacy Policy

We do not store any personal information about individuals who visit this site, except where they provide contact information while using our services.

Any information you provide will only be used for the reasons specified, and it will not be shared with any third party without your consent, unless required by law.

Agreeing to These Terms

If you do not agree to the CVS Manager privacy policy as posted here on this website, please do not use this site or any of its services.

Your use of this site indicates agreed acceptance of this privacy policy.

Information Management

We collect statistical data about usage of this website. This information is not used to identify individuals, but is collected to provide us with an understanding of the areas of interest on this site, and show us how the site is being used.

Every computer that connects to the Internet has a unique identifying number, called an IP address. A typical IP address looks something like this: 333.333.22.1. Your computer's IP address will be automatically recorded when you connect to the hosting server to view this website (this is what happens on most websites) but it will only be used to log the total number of visits to this site; from this we can see how popular our website is and determine how easily visitors find it when using online search engines.

Collected information will not be stored and used for any purpose other than to improve site efficiency and services to the public.


The CVS Manager website uses cookies.

Cookies are small text files that are downloaded to your computer when you visit a website. They can carry information from page to page (e.g - online shopping carts) and help a website recognise you as a repeat visitor - personalising the experience so that when you return, the website is the same as when you left it (e.g - a font-size adjuster that remembers your last font settings)

Cookies only record the areas of a site that a computer has visited. A cookie cannot collect any personal information other than the information you supply yourself (e.g - a login box that remembers your name and password - logging you in automatically the next time you visit).

You can delete or change the way your web browser handles cookies;

Links to Other Websites

The CVS Manager website contains links to other websites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of other sites or organisations. Please refer to their company privacy policies for further information.

Changes to This Policy

This policy will be periodically reviewed and any changes made will be updated here as they arise.

If you have any further queries about my privacy practices, please contact us.

Additional Information

In addition to this privacy policy, please also be aware of our website disclaimer which covers limitations of liability for the use of this website and the information it contains.